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What`s involved in a Professional Roof Maintenance Service

April 16, 2020

The roof is the shield that protects one of your most significant investments – your Adelaide property. So it is only natural for you to want it to stay in top shape forever. No one wants to replace a roof every couple of years. Whether your Adelaide property is residential or commercial, routine roof maintenance is critical for the safety of your family and or business.
Proper roof maintenance and repairs can extend the lifespan of your Adelaide roofing. Any roofing problems will be fixed on time, and potential issues will be avoided. Here is what to expect from professional roof maintenance:
Complete Roof and Gutters Inspection
A roof maintenance service would not be complete, without a full inspection of the roof, inside out. Your Adelaide roof should be checked for any damages and leaks. This inspection should also include the roof edges, the ceilings, walls, and the flashing. Your gutters' drains and downspouts should also be checked and cleaned to avoid blockages.
Inside the building, the roof maintenance team should look for stains on the ceiling or puddles of water on the floor. Mould on the walls could also be an indicator that your Adelaide roof is leaking.
Leafs and Debris Removal
Any leaves or debris on your Adelaide roofing should be removed, during the roof maintenance service. Otherwise, they could clog the gutters and prevent them from functioning correctly. Excess garbage on the roof could also put unnecessary weight on it. Leaves are also combustible. Leaving them on the roof would also put your Adelaide property in danger of catching fire.
Minor Roofing Repairs
A professional roof maintenance service does not just locate your roofing damage. It should also include fixing any minor roofing problems, discovered through the inspection. The roof maintenance team should be equipped with the necessary tools to repair small roofing issues. For significant problems, the roof maintenance team can develop a repairs plan with the estimated cost. 
At Old Port Roofing, we provide roof maintenance and repairs services for both domestic and commercial properties across Adelaide. With over twenty-five years of experience, our roof maintenance team can allocate any roof leak, no matter how small. They will track its origin and recommend the best course of action to repair the roof.
During our roof maintenance service, our team will thoroughly inspect your Adelaide roof inside out. From the outside, we will visually examine your roof for any signs of problems. Indoors, our team will look for water stains or mould on your ceilings and walls.
With our regular roof maintenance and repairs service, you can rest assured your Adelaide roofing will last for long. At Old Port Roofing, we will not just find and repair your current roofing problems. They will also help you prevent any potential roofing and guttering problems.


Get the best roof maintenance plan tailored specially for your Adelaide property. Call Old Port Roofing today to get a free quote!


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